Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Crayon Pop - 빠빠빠 (Bar Bar Bar)

How fun is Crayon Pop's new music video?? "Bar Bar Bar" is a pretty simplistic song, but there's something about it that just makes me want to smile. Could it be the brightly coloured costumes? The synchronised dancing? Or is it just the jumping?

Jumping! Yeah! Jumping! Yeah! Everybody!!

I had heard only one of their songs prior to seeing this video, and that was when I saw the video for "Saturday Night" (2012). At the time that it was released, I thought it was okay; a fun song, and an okay video that ultimately didn't really grab my attention. Then I saw this; the video for "Bar Bar Bar"...

I was immediately struck by the matching outfits and the simple, yet fun dance routine. They made me smile; they made me laugh (especially the jumping part at 1:44, now known as the Straight-Five Engine Dance). This catchy song had converted me, and I now like that video for Saturday Night, and all of their other back catalogue. It's funny how ones opinion can change, just like that.

They're also a lot different from most K-Pop girl groups around at the moment, in that they don't deliberately set out to be sexy like the plethora of other girl groups competing for the charts; Crayon Pop don't do this at all; sometimes wearing hats and outfits that almost completely obscure their bodies and heads. I really commend them for this, and for me, it's part of their appeal. Also, I understand that they initially found it difficult to get TV appearances, partly due to having quite a small management company, so they resorted to viral promotion and guerilla performances on the streets of Seoul to gain attention and popularity with the public. They've worked very hard to get where they are today, and with this latest song quickly gaining popularity, I'm sure they're going to have a sparkling future!

What do you think of Crayon Pop? Are there any other songs that make you smile?

Photo credit: Crayon Pop Official Fan Site / Korea

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