Sunday, 21 July 2013

HGIF The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya #4 - Mikuru Asahina Smiling Face Ver.

This figure was delivered to me yesterday morning; it's the Smiling Face version of Mikuru Asahina from BANDAI's fourth gashapon series for the anime series "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya".

Overall, it's quite a well made figure for it's low price; these were originally sold for just ¥300 in Japan. I picked it up for about £3.25 including shipping (about US$5 / ¥500). Released in 2007, it stands at just under 12cm tall (just over 4½ inches) including the base, and it fits together with little problem, apart from at the waist, where the join is not always so perfect.

There are mould lines visible in certain areas, such as on the lower part of the torso, the right calf and both her feet, but overall they're fairly difficult to spot, unless inspected under very close scrutiny.

The level of detail here isn't particularly high, as you'd expect from a figure so inexpensive, but it's certainly not bad, with a little texturing on the clothing, and a fairly decent paint job for such a low cost figure. However, even though this is the smiling face version, the face looks somewhat more shocked or surprised, as opposed to smiling.

Overall though, I'm very happy with this figure, despite it not being perfect, but what do you expect from such a low priced model. Great value for money!

If you don't know the anime, below is the first episode of "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" (2006)Here you will be introduced to Mikuru Asahina, along with some of the other characters. More photos follow below the video.

Photo Credit: All Photos by AZNPopCulture

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